Monday, July 06, 2009

Monsters, Mutants and Other Animal Mysteries They are materializing in the most unlikely places - like your backyard and bedroom !!!

Mysterious animals seem to be popping up all over the place. And not just in remote jungles or seldom-traveled tropical waters but also in the most unlikely places - like your backyard and bedroom !!!They had been allegedly appearing in such unlikely places as Harford County, Maryland and San Antonio, Texas. Rural villages of Chile and Africa also continue to be harassed by strange creatures, some of which fit the description and modus operandi of the dreaded Chupacabras. But the same has been spotted in INDIA after the appearence of the strange creature known widely as KAALA BANDAR spotted in Delhi, scientists in India are routinely discovering new species of animals.

From the reports of International Scientists Union and an exploration team they have found the strange looking creature in an ice-covered pool in the Yukon Territory of the Canada Basin is which is believed to be the world's oldest seawater and reports from them state that the creature is also likely to be found on the territorial and water front areas in Asia and particularly to the southern part of India.

In Oct-Nov of, 2006, a new species - hairy skeletonous, mouse-like mammal was discovered in the border mountains of Keral-Tamilnadu states in India. Its supposed to be the same animal found in Delhi earlier and later periods. Findings have occured in the later years in districts of Kerala - Kollam and very recently in Trivandrum.

However, when an unknown creature wanders into your backyard we must be cautious about what it is capable of as its unpredictable as to how dangerous or friendly it can turn out to be.
In July, 2004 a strange-looking dog-like creature was spotted by several residents around hillstation hotels in Kerala-Tamilnadu border, a group of students even managed to photograph the animal in a bedroom. Animal experts were unable to identify it, some saying it looked like a cross between a dog and a hyena. The image is given below

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